Success! The next night, Ronan didn’t bark at the toy soldier, but was still skittish and refused to turn his back on it. He was willing to do obedience exercises on the sidewalk near the soldier, but only if he was facing it.
Tonight he was totally comfortable, and while waiting to take this photo he was lounging on the grass in front of it. I made sure to go early enough so there was no chance of the soldier deflating!
Clever boy. 🙂 He did multiple sit-stays by the soldier while we attempted to get the perfect shot.
Ohhhhhhh – so glad for YOU, Ronan! I know how scary that deflated soldier must have seemed – awful for you, but what a good boy you were the next night! I’m so proud of you!
Hugs xoxoox
Your Sis, Avalon
Good boy, Ronan. Maybe you can teach Jamie to sit stay.