I’m pleased to report that Sporty earned both her Excellent A agility titles last weekend (AX and AXJ), and her son Jackson (owned/handled by Corina Marx) earned his Novice Jumpers agility title! Both dogs were the only ones in their respective classes to qualify on Saturday in Jumpers (how’s that for a coincidence), and had placements in all their other qualifying runs as well.
Here they are, posing with their Del Monte KC new title medallions:
Sport’s agility runs for the weekend can be seen in the following links. She qualified in 3 out of 4 runs, though the one non-qualifying run (Sunday’s Jumpers run) is probably the one I enjoyed the most! [Sat Exc A Jumpers] [Sat Exc A Standard] [Sun Exc B Jumpers] [Sun Exc A Standard]
See Jackson’s Saturday runs. Standard wasn’t a qualifying run because he bailed off the teeter, but they did a beautiful job on the rest of the course. [Sat Nov A Jumpers] [Sat Nov A Standard]
Sporty is now Spiritlodge Sporting Chance RA JH AX AXJ NF WC VC CCA and Jackson is Tigana’s In Perfect Harmony NAJ CCA CGC.