Tigana’s Zumoca Almond Fudge RN JH SWN SIA TKN WC NW2 NW3-I L1E L1V R-FE/XMS
(Kaliture Jolly Be Good x Chablisse Peace Pipe Up at Faraway OAJ XF TKI CCA)
A Very Good Dog
Favorite activity: Loves everything!

Tigana Cairngorm Blessed Thistle TD AX AXJ CCA
(Willowlawn Entent Cordiale JW x Spiritlodge Sporting Chance CD RA JH MX MXJ WC VC CCA)
“Ready and raring!”
Favorite activity: Retrieving chuck-it balls. Anything for treats!
Waiting at the Bridge

Tigana’s Triple Exultation BN RN OAP AJP SWN TKA NW2 CCA
(Willowlawn Entent Cordiale JW x Spiritlodge Sporting Chance CD RA JH MX MXJ WC VC CCA)
My Best Boy
Favorite activity: Running fast, swimming, and retrieving anything- the bigger the better

Spiritlodge Sporting Chance CD RA JH MX MXJ MJB NF WC VC OD CCA (AKC ptd.)
(Corona First Among Equals x Ch Spiritlodge You’ll Be Blessed)
Our girl who does it all– she is both beautiful and talented.
Favorite activity: retrieving balls, unless there’s a duck around!

Sandspur It’s Easy To Be Me AX AXJ CGC
(Ch Sheffield-Ducat’s Spellbound OS SDHF CGC TT x Can Ch Sandspur Taken By Storm)
My constant companion
Favorite activity: Sleeping, eating, and hunting squirrels!

PACH Tigana Calliope Drive Your Dreams RA JH MX MXJ PAX OF T2BP WC OD CCA
(Ch Laurell’s Hooked On Clasix x Spiritlodge Sporting Chance CD RA JH MX MXJ WC VC CCA)
Dani lived with Pat Lindquist of Calliope Goldens, and was co-owned through the Fab Four litter

Int’l CH Chardon’s Tapestry of Talent NAP AJP CGC
(Ch Shalimar’s Top Of The Mark CD SDHF x Platinum Sandy Storm)
Our wonderful boy who introduced us to the breed
Favorite activity: Frisbees or swimming, preferably at the same time.

Int’l CH Lexxus’ Full Tilt Boogie OA OAJ
(Ch Shyan’s Movin ‘N’ Groovin’ OS x Ch Sunshine’s Lexus Rock ‘N Around OD)
Our girl with the Star Trek Klingon name
Favorite activity: protecting the pack from danger, and swimming endlessly