Weekend (days 40-41)

This was the busiest weekend for the puppies so far. They had several visitors, and did very well, playing appropriately, and folks were great about keeping things fairly calm for the puppies to encourage that good behavior. Their recall is getting to be very strong, both with a verbal “pup-pup-pup” cue, and also with a […]

People tend to underestimate what baby puppies can learn. I’ve heard many people say they don’t plan to train or take their puppy to classes until they are 6 months old. The reality is that young puppies are little sponges and learn what earns them reinforcement VERY fast with very few repetitions. The things they […]
Happy 5 week birthday

I’m a day late taking their 5 week pics, but acquiring food for the puppies took priority yesterday. 🙂 The puppies are learning that crates can be a nice place to sleep in. They will become familiar with with a few different types of crates- plastic vari-kennels (like below), soft mesh crate, and a wire […]
Good times

A lot has happened in the last couple days! The puppies started eating solid food, eating from individual bowls. The first meal took a little time because the puppies weren’t quite sure what they were doing, but they were pros by the second meal. They also went on their first group walk, where they followed […]
The puppies have seen this toy before at more of a distance, so I was pretty sure it would be received okay in close quarters. It was mostly fine. It cracks me up to see the puppies on the wobble board watching the show. The pups will start eating some solid food tomorrow!