Lots more snow pictures can be found on my Shutterfly share site, or click on the reindeer below.  🙂

Here’s a cool collage of some of the photos- Ronan catching snowballs!

Snowball Fun

Lastly, here’s a photo from a couple weeks ago, taken at the highest point of our 8-mile hike at Windy Hill Open Space Preserve in Portola Valley.   The views were absolutely gorgeous– we could see the ocean on one side, and the valley on the other– from SF to the South Bay. From left to right: Thistle, Jennifer, Rockie, Christine, Sport, Ronan. Don is behind the camera, so not pictured, but he was there!

2 Responses

  1. Wow!!! Missed this totally! What a beautiful place!
    Sam, Ava, and Oz and Miche and Bill too!

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