Pat and Danica completed her NA (Novice Agility) and NF (Novice Fast) agility titles a couple weekends ago, just coming off the heels of their Novice Preferred titles!
That same weekend, River and Meigs finished his RN (Rally Novice) title, then went on to get their first Rally Advanced leg — first time off-leash in the ring, and with a score of 98 and 2nd place to boot.
At the NORCAL GRC Agility trial last weekend, Corina and Jackson got his first agility leg with a clean run in Novice Jumpers!  Here’s a gorgeous photo of happy Jackson after the trial, at Spring Lake Park in Santa Rosa.

Congratulations to all!

2 Responses

  1. WOW WOW WOW! Congrats to you both – Jackson, you certainly got your human to take a great photo of you – yummy!!! What a weekend!
    Big Hugs xoxoxo
    Sammie and Avalon

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