Please enjoy pictures and accomplishments of some of the puppies we have bred that are owned and loved by others. We are very proud of them, and are grateful to their owners for letting them shine, in life and in the ring!
“Danica” – PACH Tigana Calliope Drive Your Dreams RA JH MX MXJ PAX2 OF T2BP WC OD CCA
Travis x Sport owner: Patricia Lindquist & Christine Hsu
“River” – Tigana’s Land Of Sky Blue Waters UD PCDX BN GN GO RE CGCA
Travis x Sport owner: Meigs Matheson
“Jackson” – Tigana’s In Perfect Harmony NA OAJ CGC CCA
Travis x Sport owner: Corina Marx
“Rockie” – Tigana’s Let The Good Times Roll SRD
Travis x Sport owner: Jennifer Leonard

“Jamie” – Tigana Blackwatch Cream Porter CD TD RE CGCA CCA
William x Sport owner: Laurie Rollins
“Avalon” – Tigana’s Glastonbury Golden Chalice CDX
William x Sport; owner: Miche and Bill Evans
“Beamish” – UKC/Int CH Calliope Tigana’s Beamish Twist and Stout BN RA JH AXP AJP NF CGCA WC CCA (2016 GRCA Triathlon Award recipient)
Flyer x Dani; owner: Samantha Dillard (co-bred with Calliope Goldens)

“Rigby” – Calliope Tigana Cream Tangerine CD JH TDX VC CCA
Flyer x Dani; owner: Bob Rollins (co-bred with Calliope Goldens)
Travis x Sport; owner: Ed & Paula Ferguson
Photos by Aeon Jones
William x Sport; owner: Kristen Hampshire
William x Sport; owner: Dickerson Family
Travis x Sport; owner: Davenport Family