Author: tiganagoldens

Week 6 recap 0

Week 6 recap

We started evaluating the puppies this week, for structure and also for their early interest in birds.   This is a hunting dog breed, so it’s important to us that the interest in birds is...

6 weeks! 4

6 weeks!

The weeks are flying by… and we’ve had a week without photos!  Here are just a few to show some of the changes in the last week.   Ah, but before that let me say...

No new photos? An update 1

No new photos? An update

OMG!  Look what happens after doing a video!  No new pictures for almost a week?!  Sorry all- things have been busy here, with puppies and work!   We actually do have photos to post...

5 weeks old! 3

5 weeks old!

This next video was taken today, so the pups are 5 weeks + 1 day old.  Click on the picture to go to the video.  Enjoy!